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A Travel Filled Life

Updated: Aug 24, 2023

Epic adventures! Beautiful places! Always on vacation! These are some of the things often come to mind when someone hears about people who travel full time, or even travel frequently. While these aspects certainly exist, "real" life is still a major part of this lifestyle. Those of us who travel full time have simply found a way to take some of the traditional parts of life on the road. We have also learned to say no to the things that we don't want restricting our lives, and we had to accept that we have to say no to parts of life that we loved. Saying yes to one thing means saying no to another, and that can be very difficult.


So, why did we choose this lifestyle?

After a series of tragic, difficult events; we realized that we did not want to wait until our kids were gone and we were retired to live a life rich in experiences. We love to travel, see new places, and experience new things. Most importantly, we want to do these things as a family.


How on earth did we make the transition to this life? Let me tell you, it's not easy, and it's absolutely worth it. It certainly takes a leap of faith to get rid of a sticks and bricks home, most of your belongings and say see you later to your comfort zone. We actually did a "test run" in our 26' no slides travel trailer for 5 months before we came home and sold the house.

For us, Mark's job allowed him winters off, so we have opted to travel all winter and come back to home base in the warmer months so he can work, we can reconnect with family and friends, and do ALL the appointments. This pattern has worked well for us the last 3 years.

Many of our friends on the road, have remote jobs, or choose temporary jobs for a couple months at a time that allow them to be mobile all year. And maybe a few are independently wealthy, but we haven't met them!

Homeschooling is another major aspect of this lifestyle. We had no plans of homeschooling, like ever! BUT in 2020 when the schools shut down we learned more about it and realized that by saying yes to homeschool we were also saying yes to an incredible experience for our family. There are so many ways to do school on the road; from unschooling to public school online. We choose to homeschool through experiences and activities combined with various curriculums. Each family has to choose what works best for them, and know you'll probably change it as you go.

The Stuff. I'll be completely real and tell you we are still going through the items we stored and pairing down every time we return to home base. It is a huge undertaking to take a 2,500 square foot house and fit it all into an RV and some storage. It also feels AMAZING. I never realized how heavy our things weighed on us until we didn't have them. It's an incredible sense of freedom.

If this lifestyle is calling to you, do it! We are here to help, please reach out if you'd like someone to guide you through the process.

Would you like help planning an adventure of your own?

Contact me for all of your travel planning needs, whether its road trip, relaxing vacation, or epic adventure. (218) 301 - 3368 or

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